My creative free spirit

Cooking with the kids is something I have always done. I am aware it is messy, time consuming and sometimes a long winded way of making dinner. But I promise it is worth it.


The reality is, I started cooking with Emi, now 10, as a toddler to pass the time. To find an almost free activity to do under the relentless strain of single parent life at the time. What surprised me was how much she loved it! So we did it a lot. Nothing fancy. A few pitta pizzas here. Some fairy cakes there. Children under 5 seem to love getting involved. Encourage it! It can be a wonderful bonding exercise. 


She lost a bit of interest from the age of 6 when her baby brother came along. They do lose interest and that is a normal part of growing up! I kept dangling the option to help though, by getting her to chop a few easy mushrooms or asking her to make a smoothie. She doesn't always want to help these days but she will give it a good go when she is in the mood and that is all I ask. She makes a mean chicken curry now, by herself, with suitable supervision. 


Even if they only help once a week, they will in time pick up skills and useful habits that will carry them through to adulthood. 


My imaginative wild child

Alfie came along when Emi was 6 and it took a while to get going again! With a big age gap, cooking was no longer as simple. It was only when he turned 3 that we started doing bits again properly. Luckily, at this age, he loves to help if he can. The praise they get is rewarding for them and so important to their early development. They are also well up for trying new things at this age, so I am trying to make the most of it now the natural desire to help is there!

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